Small but Mighty Pests

Mice- Small but Mighty Pests

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Having mice at your place is problematic for both people and pets as well. These little rodents are capable of causing much structural damage around the place; therefore, you need to keep an out for these little creatures. They usually hide in areas where you might not go most of the time; attic spaces or crawling spaces are best for them to hide. 

They need to gnaw on different objects in order to avoid letting their front teeth grow too long. If they grow too much, it will be difficult for these lean bodies to carry their weight. Thus, they keep gnawing on different objects. It also means it is going to result in a lot of structural damage. 

There are various types of mice that you may come across depending on where you are living. Deer mice(have white underbelly), house mice, etc. House mice are a bit smaller in size than deer mice. 

They are commonly seen in light brown color. Hinsdale is not an exception to mice infestation, and residents need precautions to keep them out. Hinsdale Exterminator Services can help you if you have a mice infestation at your place. 

What are the common signs of mice infestation?

It is not something uncommon to notice the signs of infestation first and not the mouse itself. There are various signs that you can see, such as:

  • Feces of droppings around the house.
  • Walls or woods that look chewed.
  • Food packages that look like they have been gnawed. 
  • Hearing sounds of scratching from different places around the house.
  • Smelling something musky that mice emit in order to communicate with others.

While these rodents hide and prefer to live in dark areas of the house, you can only ensure that you have an actual mouse at your place by seeing one. Once you know that you have a visitor, you can then inform pest control services to get them out. 

What are some techniques to remove mice?

Different techniques can be used to get mice out of your property; let us look at them in brief:

  • You can use snap traps that help not only catch the mice but also kill them. 
  • There are also glue traps that, again, can be placed in a similar space as the snap traps; the mouse will get trapped and get killed.
  • Those who do not think killing them is a good idea can use live catch traps. It will only trap the mouse, and then you can leave them in the wild if you wish. 

Can mice hibernate?

Hibernation is a sleeping state that many animals, such as turtles, squirrels, snakes, etc., experience. However, mice do not really hibernate. When there is a decrease in temperature, they might look for places where they can get shelter and protect themselves from freezing. 

Even during this time, they remain active and seek places where they can find food. If you have crevices or holes in your areas, they can quickly get inside as they are tiny in size. They would then try to find a place where they can build their nests, such as in attic spaces or spaces where humans cannot quickly get in. 

If mice are outside, they will make their burrows to get warmth and be able to give birth to their babies. As far as their eating habits are concerned, they are omnivores. This means that they can feed on both plant matter and animals. When they are out in the wild, they have different types of fruits and fungi and feed on insects as well. 

Save your expensive furniture from damage!

If you want to keep your place safe and protect it from mice infestation, it is better that you contact a professional to take care of it. They can help in finding all the mice around the house and get them out of your property without causing harm to your pets or family. 

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